Editor's Column

Editor's Column

Practicing in the Now
By:  Michelle Scheffler

A new year is here and for many that means resolutions.  My resolutions typically hold strong/shaky until they topple under the sometimes literal weight of Mardi Gras.  Although, a few years back, I made a work-related resolution that had staying power.  I resolved to practice in the now.  Instead of focusing solely on the typical markers of “success” that most of us lawyer-types focus on—making partner, landing work from a certain client, winning at trial—I decided to focus on what I could control in the present moment.  I centered myself on giving 100 percent to the task at hand.  At the very least, I figured this focus would sharpen my skills, which would serve me in whatever my end goal was, even if that end goal changed along the way. 

As a result, an amazing thing happened, I started enjoying my work more and worrying less. 

For me, practicing in the now does not mean that I ignore planning for the future or structuring case strategy based on my plan for trial.  I still set long-term goals and I make sure that I am doing what I need to in the short term to accomplish them.  I just spend a lot less time ruminating on my goals, which frees up a lot more time to actually achieve them. 

Cheers to 2016!



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