Latest Grant Opportunities from the ABA YLD
By: Baylor Wortham, ABA YLD District 25 Representative

The American Bar Association's Young Lawyers Division (YLD) is pleased to announce its Regional Summits Subgrant program is now open for the 2015-2016 bar year. Through the generosity of the American Bar Association’s Board of Governors, the YLD has received $15,000 to award to affiliates hosting regional summits. 

For more information about the Regional Summits and the general application process, please see the ABA YLD guidelines here. 

Successful grant proposals should include the following:

1.  A completed online application

2.  A well-defined purpose and goals of the Regional Summit

3.  Identification of programming that will achieve the purpose and/or goals of the Regional Summit

- Proposed collaboration with the ABA Law Student Division, including outreach to and participation of law students attending schools within the districts represented by the hosting affiliates

- Prospective hosts should contact the appropriate ABA Law Student Division Regional Circuit Governor, copying Fabiani Duarte, chair of the Law Student Division, and Austin Groothuis, director of the Law Student Division, to ensure proper outreach.

- Review the Law Student Division’s Board of Governors

4.  A proposed budget, which should include:

- A line-item budget of all projected expenses, revenues, and sponsorships as accurately as may be constructed at the time of the application.

- The amount requested from the ABA YLD (a maximum of $3,000).

- Contributions from all other sources (cash or in-kind)

- If the proposed budget shows costs exceeding the ABA YLD subgrant maximum, it must identify the projected source for those funds.

For additional information about Regional Summits Subgrants, click here. For a Regional Summit “how to” guide, click here. Additionally, the Regional Summits YLD policy outlines requirements for YLD co-sponsorship.

For additional questions, please contact Logan Murphy, affiliates director 2015-2016, at  or Alia S. Graham, ABA YLD program associate.

Views and opinions expressed in eNews are those of their authors and not necessarily those of the Texas Young Lawyers Association or the State Bar of Texas.

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