Editor's Column

Editor's Column

Proud To Be An American
By: Brooke Ulrickson Allen

The first Amendment to the Constitution reads in part:

Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peacefully to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

It is at this time of the year, just after elections, that this right is more apparent than any other time. Not only is it a right we enjoy, but it is a “rule” by which Americans abide. It is at this time of the year, that I am proud that change in our government comes through people speaking their minds, peacefully assembling and even protesting for what they believe. The American people believe in persuasion with words, not fists. Our government does not use military force to stifle protesters that disagree with their views, but allows them peacefully to assemble and speak their minds. This is the American way.

This great right that we enjoy seems so simple. In fact, this is ingrained in most of us so deeply that we cannot imagine anything different. It is easy to forget those nations where some are not allowed a voice, where people risk their lives to vote and where disagreement with the rulers can quickly become a death sentence. So, it is at this time of year, that I am glad I live in a nation where we have peaceful transitions of power. A nation where the government is accountable to the people and those people are not afraid to make their voices heard and to vote. It is at this time of year that I am especially PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!